Service Agreement

NightHost Service Agreement

1. Parties This agreement is between the following competitors, Nighthost [Address], [City, Country] offered as "Service Provider" and "Customer" [Customer Name], [Customer Address], [City, Country] included in the following terms and conditions is taking. including.

2. Service Description The Service Provider undertakes to provide the following services to the Customer:

Virtual Private Server (VDS) rental service. Relevant technical support service. Server management and maintenance.

3. Service Fees and Payment Terms 3.1. The customer agrees to pay the fee set for the services upon acceptance of the contract or when subsequent invoices are due.

3.2. Payments must be completed by the specified due dates. Delays may result in applicable late fees.

4. Cancellation and Refund 4.1. When the customer wishes to terminate the service, the customer must provide written notice and comply with the specified cancellation procedures.

4.2. In case of cancellation, service fees are non-refundable and no refunds will be made.

5. Privacy and Security 5.1. Both parties undertake to keep all information within the scope of this agreement confidential.

5.2. The Service Provider takes security measures to protect the Customer's data, but does not accept liability in case of any data loss or security breach.

6. Limitations of Liability 6.1. The Service Provider accepts no liability for any data loss, interruption or damage that results or may result from the Customer's use.

7. Müşteri Desteği 7.1. Hizmet Sağlayıcı, teknik destek sağlama taahhüdünde bulunur ve belirli destek düzeylerini ve saatlerini tanımlar.

8. Termination of Contract 8.1. The contract may be terminated by written termination by either party.

9. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction This agreement is subject to Turkish law and any disputes between the parties will be resolved in the relevant courts in Turkey.

10. Changes 10.1. The Service Provider reserves the right to change the terms of this agreement and the changes will come into force after notification to the Customer.

This Agreement will enter into force as of the date accepted by the parties and a copy signed by the parties will be given to both parties.

Service Provider (NightHost) First Name: History:

Customer First Name: History: